Echo is a loving, energetic Shih Tzu who loves chasing tennis balls and he needs surgery ASAP!

A photo taken during our trip home in August.
This is Echo.  He has a pair of stones in his bladder & they will continue causing pain and bleeding until they are surgically removed.  I’m a student with no money, and after spending my entire $1200 tax return on diagnostic testing and treatments that didn’t pan out, I’m out of options. The surgery is going to cost $3000, and I desperately need your help to raise this money.  Please, help if you can. Any amount at all would be greatly appreciated.  If you can’t afford to donate, please spread the word so that those who can donate will hear Echo’s story.
Thank you and I hope you have the loveliest Sunday.  ♥

9 thoughts on “Echo is a loving, energetic Shih Tzu who loves chasing tennis balls and he needs surgery ASAP!

  1. Veda says:

    Reblogged this on vedadhorner.

  2. Veda says:

    I reblogged your message. Best of luck for Echo’s surgery. Will the Veterinary Clinic not allow you to make payments being a student?

    • Tatiana says:

      They’ve already been pretty lenient about my inability to pay the entire amount for the tests he’s needed. I still owe them money on some of those. However, they have a 90 day limit, and I must pay the entire amount in full before that time or my account would be sent to collections, no matter my financial need. They are looking into grant options for us, but they’ve already said that the max they would cover is about 20%. I’m also looking into grants, but there aren’t any well-funded options out there for pet-owners in my position – at least, not that I’ve been able to find. I literally make about ten dollars more than I need every month, assuming all the food is on sale. Most months, I skip meals to ensure that Echo has enough food, which is fine. Students have to live sparsely, I’ve been told.

      I’m already working two jobs and going to school full-time. I have no way of covering this without help unless I drop out of school and get lucky enough to find a full-time job in the city that’ll pay me enough to cover not only Echo’s vet bills but also the student loans that’ll come due shortly afterward.

      Thank you so much for sharing his post! I do appreciate it. We could, literally, use all the help we can get.

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